Image of double helix of glowing light

Image by Thomas Wensing (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Image of large 1940s computer

1940s Analog Computing Machine • NASA (Public Domain)

Image of book in bed of flowers

Photo by Tom Raymo

Mrs. Dana’s guided tour

The first wild­flow­ers of the spring are small, incon­spic­u­ous­ly col­ored, and inclined to bash­ful­ness. The wood anemone and starflower, two of my favorites, unfold their blos­soms ten­ta­tive­ly, as if test­ing the tem­per of the air. They hes­i­tate in woody shad­ows, like young bal­leri­nas wait­ing in the wings for some more-col­or­ful pri­ma don­na to take the stage.

Image of large group of scientists

Part of the Cassini science team (NASA/JPL-Caltech)

Image of Erwin Schrödinger

Erwin Schrödinger in 1933

Collection of portraits of scientists

The science All-Stars

The science All-Stars

Bai­ly’s beads, Barr body, Beau­fort wind scale, Bernoul­li effect, Bessel func­tion, Besse­mer con­vert­er, Boolean alge­bra, Bose sta­tis­tics, Brew­ster’s law. Some or all of these terms will be famil­iar to every sci­en­tist. But who were Bai­ly, Barr, Beau­fort, and the rest?

Image of COBE satellite

Artist's concept of the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) • NASA (Public Domain)

Image of mushroom cloud

Castle Bravo nuclear test • US Department of Energy (Public Domain)

Painting of Christ in storm-tossed boat

Detail from “Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee” by Ludolf Bakhuizen

Image of dead bird lying on ground

Photo by Tiia Monto (CC BY-SA 4.0)