Astronomical photograph of hundreds of galaxies in space

A portion of the Ultra Deep Field • NASA/ESA (Public Domain)

Image of a stone formation rising from the outback under the stars

Photo by Henrique Felix on Unsplash

Image of a comet glowing in the night sky

Photo by Samuel PASTEUR-FOSSE on Unsplash

Astronomical photograph of hundreds of galaxies in space

A portion of the Ultra Deep Field • NASA/ESA (Public Domain)

Illustration of a stylized dragon's head superimposed over a constellation of stars

19th-century star atlas illustration of the constellation Draco

Chasing the dragon

If the Roy­al Obser­va­to­ry at Green­wich has a roy­al star, it has to be Gam­ma Dra­co­nis, also known as Eltanin, “the drag­on’s head.” Eltanin is not an espe­cial­ly bright star, in a con­stel­la­tion, Dra­co, the Drag­on, with­out any bright stars. But it does have a claim to local fame: It pass­es direct­ly over­head Lon­don once each day.

Image of a group of young people star-gazing.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Oil painting depicting a bearded man in robes receiving a vision of God in Heaven

"The Vision of the Prophet Ezekiel" by Ditlev Blunck (1830)

Ezekiel’s vision

As I ease into retire­ment, I have tak­en to spend­ing part of each year on a qui­et lit­tle island in the Caribbean. I came here look­ing for win­ter warmth, of course, but also for dark skies. I am a stargaz­er by life­long habit, and my pri­ma­ry home near a major Amer­i­can city is awash in arti­fi­cial light.

Astronomical image of a multi-colored nebula

The Orion nebula • NASA, ESA, M. Robberto (Public Domain)

Silhouette of a person standing in the snow under the night sky

Photo by Annie Niemaszyk on Unsplash

Astronomical image of the swirling atmosphere of Jupiter

Jupiter, as imaged by the Juno spacecraft • NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Kevin M. Gill