Neutralinos may reveal themselves

Neutralinos may reveal themselves

Photo by Paul Volkmer on Unsplash

Originally published 29 April 2003

You may have heard of the medieval philoso­phers who sup­pos­ed­ly debat­ed how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. The mod­ern equiv­a­lents are sure­ly the astro­physi­cists who study the begin­ning and evo­lu­tion of the universe.

They tell us that the uni­verse is 13.7 bil­lion years old, plus or minus a few hun­dred mil­lion years.

They tell us that a tril­lion-tril­lion-tril­lionth of a sec­ond after the big bang, the uni­verse had inflat­ed from a micro­scop­ic speck to some­thing large enough to con­tain every thing we see today.

They tell us that 90 per­cent of the stuff of the uni­verse is so-called dark mat­ter, invis­i­ble par­ti­cles of a nature yet to be determined.

You have to admire folks who can toss off such state­ments as if they were talk­ing base­ball stats. It’s as if the medieval philoso­pher answered, “Oh, 7,315 angels, plus or minus 23.”

I once men­tioned some of these cos­mo­log­i­cal asser­tions to a friend. “Nine­ty per­cent of the stuff of the uni­verse is stuff we know noth­ing about,” I said. He replied, some­what dourly, “It’s prob­a­bly the best stuff, too.”

His remark would not have been out of place in the Mid­dle Ages. Folks then, too, believed that much of cre­ation was invis­i­ble, and the best stuff, too. Those angels weren’t just danc­ing on pin­heads, they were everywhere.

Is the dark mat­ter of the astro­physi­cists any dif­fer­ent than angels? And why do astro­physi­cists sup­pose that dark mat­ter exists?

When astronomers turn their tele­scopes to galax­ies and groups of galax­ies, they see stel­lar motions and grav­i­ta­tion­al clump­ing-togeth­er that can­not be explained by the grav­i­ty of vis­i­ble mat­ter — stars, galax­ies, and lumi­nous neb­u­las. If the law of grav­i­ty is the same in inter­galac­tic space as here­abouts, then some­thing mas­sive and unseen must be pulling on the stars and galax­ies: Dark matter.

There are sev­er­al the­o­ret­i­cal guess­es for what dark mat­ter might be. One of the best can­di­dates is slug­gish, super-mas­sive par­ti­cles called neu­trali­nos (not the same as neu­tri­nos), whose exis­tence is pre­dict­ed by a the­o­ry called super­sym­me­try. The the­o­ry was invent­ed to uni­fy the laws of physics and explain results of exper­i­ments with high-ener­gy par­ti­cle accel­er­a­tors, the biggest and most expen­sive machines in the physi­cist’s arse­nal of instru­ments. These machines are designed to repro­duce in minia­ture the con­di­tions that exist­ed in the first moments of the big bang.

No one knows if super­sym­me­try the­o­ry is true, but if so, then the Big Bang should have pro­duced just the right num­ber of neu­trali­nos to explain what the astronomers see.

Accord­ing to astro­physi­cist David Cline, writ­ing in Sci­en­tif­ic Amer­i­can, as we spin our way through the Milky Way galaxy, about a bil­lion neu­trali­nos stream through our bod­ies every second.

These par­ti­cles inter­act with ordi­nary mat­ter exceed­ing­ly rarely. Nev­er­the­less, it should now be pos­si­ble — just bare­ly! — to detect the dark mat­ter with quan­ti­ta­tive, repro­ducible exper­i­ments. A num­ber of exper­i­men­tal groups in the Unit­ed States and Europe are cur­rent­ly build­ing exquis­ite­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed instru­ments to snag a few of the sup­posed par­ti­cles that are stream­ing by the Earth.

If the par­ti­cles are detect­ed, then we will be con­fi­dent that grav­i­ty as we know it is a uni­ver­sal force. If not, then it’s back to the the­o­ret­i­cal draw­ing board. Says astro­physi­cist Cline: “The great­est mys­tery in mod­ern astro­physics may soon be solved.”

If all of this makes your head spin, know that you are not alone. Only a few hun­dred very smart physi­cists under­stand it com­plete­ly, just as those medieval philoso­phers who spec­u­lat­ed about danc­ing angels were a band unto themselves.

The dif­fer­ence, of course, is that the dark par­ti­cles of the astro­physi­cists will reveal them­selves as count­able, repro­ducible blips of ener­gy on the screen of a com­put­er con­nect­ed to a very clever par­ti­cle detec­tor. Angels are rather more elusive.

I will leave you with this thought: If the astro­physi­cists are right in their dark mat­ter spec­u­la­tions, then a thou­sand neu­trali­nos stream every sec­ond through the head of a pin.

To date, neu­trali­nos have not been detect­ed exper­i­men­tal­ly and remain hypo­thet­i­cal. ‑Ed.

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  1. Dark Mat­ter is more like­ly to go the way of phlo­gis­ton, caloric, and poly­wa­ter, as sen­si­tive exper­i­ments con­firm the real­i­ty of a slight, but mea­sur­able change in the val­ue of New­ton’s grav­i­ta­tion­al con­stant, both diur­nal­ly and semi­an­nu­al­ly, lead­ing to a con­fir­ma­tion of the MOND propo­si­tion, and a reassess­ment of Vera Rubin’s study of galac­tic rota­tion curves.

    If you check the chart of val­ues of Big G..they diverge rather than con­verge on a sin­gle val­ue, con­sis­tent with a vary­ing val­ue, depend­ing on what time of day and time of year the mea­sure­ments were done. Longer runs then yield larg­er error bars.…a sur­prise to care­ful experimentalists.
    I too was in high school many years ago, and pre­dict­ed a vary­ing val­ue of G, depend­ing on vari­a­tions in the isotropy of the ambi­ent neu­tri­no flux.
    That anisotropy, con­firmed at the Sud­bury Neu­tri­no Obser­va­to­ry, as neu­tri­no lep­ton frac­tions oscil­late, and resolved the Home­s­take Mine anom­aly for John H Bah­call, caus­es the slight vari­a­tion in G seen in these experiments .
    Since Earth has an ellip­ti­cal orbit, sim­ple inverse square law match­es the grad­ual atten­u­a­tion of the val­ue of G.
    Mars, with a much larg­er eccen­tric­i­ty, should pro­duce a dis­tinct­ly larg­er vari­a­tion, and I sub­mit­ted a paper to the Grav­i­ty Research Foun­da­tion Writ­ing Com­pe­ti­tion, pre­dict­ing a sim­ple 25 cm pen­du­lum would record approx­i­mate­ly 4 more swings per Mar­t­ian day at aphe­lion vs per­i­he­lion, based on the seen vari­a­tion at Earth, by Ash­er G.Gasanalizade.
    Betcha a hot fudge sundae?…lol

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